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Get Guidance For Etiquettes of Online Marriage in Pakistan By Lawyers

Etiquettes of Online Marriage in Pakistan:

Jamila Law Associates is the top most law firm for online marriage in Pakistan and Christian marriage procedure in Pakistan. Prayer means that we seek from Allah with His permission that which we believe is good for us. "If it is so, do grant it to us, otherwise do not give it; we are pleased in either case." Of course, this means that we will not complain or be depressed in the second case of online marriage in Pakistan and Christian marriage procedure in Pakistan. (Anfas Eesa, v-l P-214) Since we do not know what our destiny is, we are allowed to supplicate for that which we need but if the contrary happens then we must submit and be pleased. (ibid)

 It is against etiquette to prefer suggestion in prayer, "If this happens then that will happen.” It is like offering our advice to Allah. (ibid)  If there is doubt in something then one should pray, "0 Allah, grant it to me if it is better for me otherwise do not give it to me." But if the affair is known to be good or bad then prayer should not be conditional but specified. (ibid)


 it is an invisible 'bad manner with Allah that a person should hesitate from making Istikharah. He does that because he is not sure that Allah will choose the best thing for him. Rather, he believes what he chooses is the only thing good for him. This is why he does not say. "If you know this matter is good for me" The honourable Khwaja said that Istikhara is not needed for a good thing. No, everything can be good or bad in online marriage in Pakistan and Christian marriage procedure in Pakistan. We can see that in the behaviour of sayyid Zainab. Our female lawyers in Lahore available for services of all cases.

In Islamic point of View:

The Prophet proposed marriage with her. She knew that he was happy with that and hence there was no doubt in its being a good thing, yet she said (Not until I consult my Lord). She then made Istikharah.  Why Istikharah on this occasion? The point is there can be good and bad in everything. Even such an excellent opportunity can result in (good or) bad; for instance, she might not be able to give rights of the online marriage in Pakistan and Christian marriage procedure in Pakistan, and then she would make herself liable to Allah's punishment.  (Hassan ul Aziz p234). 


it is not correct to form a resolve and then make Istikharah only to say that one has done it for online marriage in Pakistan and Christian marriage procedure in Pakistan. It is done before the resolve and then one must act according to the inclination of the heart. WHEN IT IS SUITABLE:  Istikharah is done in cases when both courses of action are seemingly advisable. If anything is known to be good or bad in the eyes of Shari 'ah then Istikharah is not valid. It is done when one is in doubt, and one is in doubt when both courses of action are equally viable to the human eye for online marriage in Pakistan and Christian marriage procedure in Pakistan. If a course of action is determined then what is the point of Istikharah. The need for Istikharah is a matter that may be either beneficial or harmful. (Anfas Lesa P-403)  But if anything is harmful by nature or law, or then Istikharah is not made. Examples are to make Istikharah on whether to offer Selah or to marry a cripple; it is not valid on such times.

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